Theoretical Cosmology meetings
To actively encourage the field of theoretical cosmology and to set an informal stage for the exchange of ideas, the Dutch theoretical cosmology community organizes Friday afternoon meetings approximately 6 times a year — usually on the first Friday of the month. The meetings typically start in the afternoon with a main speaker, followed by a short break to continue with another seminar or journal club discussion on some topic of current interest. We end the afternoon with drinks. The supporting institutes in Leiden, Amsterdam, Groningen, Utrecht where recently joined by the strings and cosmology group in Leuven and take turns in hosting the event.

- This event has passed.
Leiden Fall 2018
09/11/2018 @ 12:00 - 17:00
Leiden, November 9th, 2018
The first THC meeting of the academic year will take place in Leiden. The meeting will take place in Casimir room, Oort building 276, Institute Lorenz, Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA Leiden.
14:00 – 15:00: Talk by Will Kinney (Buffalo University)
Title: Swamp Creatures of the Inflationary Landscape
Cosmological inflation provides an elegant framework for explaining initial conditions for a flat, homogeneous universe with Gaussian, nearly scale-invariant perturbations. Embedding inflation within a UV-complete theory has presented challenges, including eternal inflation and the possibility of a multiverse within the landscape of String Theory. I will discuss current ideas and issues in inflationary model building, including eternal inflation and recently proposed “swampland” conjectures for consistency with string-based UV completions.
15:00 – 15:30: Coffee Break
15: 30 – 16: 00: Talk by Andrii Magalich (Leiden University)
Title: Current status of warm dark matter models
I review the definition and the particle physics origins of WDM model as well as existing methods to detect its possible effects in observations. I will concentrate on Lyman-alpha forest method providing the most stringent constraints at the moment and present the most recent results and prospects for the future.
16:00 – 17:00: Talk by Fabio Finelli (INAF, Bologna)
Title: Planck’s results on Inflation
We present the implications for cosmic inflation of the Planck 2018 release in combination with other data sets. After an overview of the main cosmological results,we present the constraints on slow-roll inflationary models, on features in the primordial power spectrum, and on isocurvature perturbations.
17:00: Borrel